dijous, 15 de desembre del 2011

It’s pile jumping time

Autumn is my favourite season. The leaves fall. Parents gather them with a rake. When you are going to play to the park you see the children playing with the leaves.
It’s pile jumping time in the fall.
Kiara, 5th

The colour of the Autumn leaves are brown,red, yellow and gold.
In October is Halloween.
In the houses there are pumpkins.
We collect acorns.
The leaves fall and we rake them.

dilluns, 12 de desembre del 2011

It gets dark

Autumn has arrived
and the leaves fell.

The squirrel came
and the birds went out.

The sun went away
and the rain came again.

The wind came
and the birds froze.

In Spain It was cold
And summer came to Australia.

The leaves fell
they turned brown.

The summer went away
and yellow painted the landscape.

It rains in Spain
and the weather was not warm.

The jackets
and swimming costumes disappear.

Sara Algueró

Now the day is shorter, soon it gets dark, fall leaves in the forest, birds are nesting. Sparrows, goldfishes, swallows and partridges. In the morning, leave home with warm cloths in case you take a cold. I love autumn because the leaves change their color.

Iris balagué

dimarts, 6 de desembre del 2011

Autumn It's my favourite season

In Autum it’s very cold. We wear warm cloths.
The leaves change their colours.
The birds sing their happiness, they like Autum.

The trees haven’t got leaves Yet.

I like Autum.


Autumn, autumn, autumn
it’s my favourite season
autumn, autumn, autumn
it’s very beautiful

The autumm follow the leaves.
And the sky is orange.
Then you can go to find mushrooms
With your friends.
Autumm follow the leaves.
And the trees are bare.


dissabte, 3 de desembre del 2011

It's time to back to school

Autum is here!
Down,down yellow and brown.
The leaves are falling.
Over the town.
September is beautiful.
Nerea, 10

Autumn is the time to back to school
I don’t like it
But I like the gold leaves
In Autumn the leaves are gold, red and green.
Autumn is very beautiful
But it’s very cold!!!
Rosa, 10

The birds are going
looking for warmth.
Falling leaves
change their colours.
The day is shorter
some sun is keeping me warm
Mushorooms and grapes,
are delicious!

The Autumn is very very beautiful,
The leaves fall,
The leaves are red, yellow, brown
But… it’s cold!!!!

dijous, 24 de novembre del 2011

Down down

Down down
Yellow and Brown
Summer is over
School began.

Itziar, 10

diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011

Fall brings leaves

Autumn is here.
And it makes all of us very happy.
Fall brings leaves, pumpkins and apples as well.
Autumn is time to be at home.
Autumn arrived and we have already been very pleased.

Irina, 10

On Monday the lives fall.
On Tuesday it’s cold and a jacket it’s very good.
On Wednesday in the trees there are big acorns.
On Thursay the tree leaves are gold.
On Friday it’s very cold in September.


dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2011

Fotos Halloween 3r

L'alumnat de tercer vam treballar la festa a través d'un conte d'una bruixa una mica especial que feia un conjur la nit de Halloween i convertia a totes les seues amigues bruixes en ratolins.T ambé vam aprendre vocabulari relacionat amb Halloween i un rhyme per fer el "Trick or Treat". També vam elaborar un mòbil per decorar una mica casa nostra i recordar-nos d'aquesta festa tan terrorífica!!

dimecres, 9 de novembre del 2011

Fotos Halloween Cicle Inicial

L'alumnat de Cicle Inicial vam treballar molt la festa del Halloween a les classes d'anglès. Vam aprendre una cançó i vocabulari relacionat amb el Halloween i coses que feien por. Vam vore que les carabasses poden estar contentes, tristes i que poden fer por i riure. També vam aprendre un rhyme i vam fer un mòbil xul.líssim.

dimarts, 8 de novembre del 2011


Els xiquets i les xiquetes de P5 vam celebrar el Halloween a l'escola. Vam aprendre molt vocabulari relacionat amb aquesa festa i també les coses que fan els xiquets i xiquetes de parla anglesa quan arriba aquesta nit terrorífica. Vam aprendre una cançó que parlava de monstres, mòmies, esquelets i més coses que feien por. Finalment, ens vam fer una màscara de carabassa per també poder fer por. Aquí en teniu una mostra. Happy Halloween!!!

diumenge, 6 de novembre del 2011

In the corn fields there are scarecrows

The park is full of leaves.
The colours are brown,yellow, red and gold.
In september , october and november,the city is happy, the kitchens are warm, it is autumn.
In autum it’s raining and it’s windy.

In the corn fields there are scarecrows.

Alonso, 11

dijous, 3 de novembre del 2011

Days are shorter, nights are longer

Autumn is here,
days are shorter,
nights are longer,
leaves are falling,
swallows are going,
little robins are coming
they go home
it's cold.

Santi, 5th

In the fall
The lives fall
Yellow, red and brown,
Down down
The fall is fun.

Paula, 6th

dilluns, 31 d’octubre del 2011

dissabte, 22 d’octubre del 2011


The Roman Bath has four maim features, the Sacred spring, the Roman Temple, the Roman Bath House and Roman Bath.
In the bath house people bathed mearly 2.000 years ags.
It’s Britain’s most somantic building.

Jane Austen wrote a little bit of everything, she wrote novels such as Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion .
Also wrote short works such as Watson and Lady Susan. when she was a young wo man she wrote two volumes, Volume 1: Frederic and Elfrida, Jack and Alice, Edgar and Emma etc ...
And volume 2 which was about love and friendship: Lesley castle and the history of England.
Telephone: (01225) 443000
Tourist information centre:
Telephone: 09097112000 (uk callers only)
+44(0)8448475257 (overseas callers only)
+44(0)8448475256 (Booking line)

Irina Bernis Abril, 5thTHEATRE ROYAL BATH
Vocabulary about thatre
• Booking dates
• Online Booking
• Booking Open
• Brochure

Built in 1805, the Theatre Royal Bath is one of the oldest and most beautiful theatres in the country.
There is an egg theatre for children, young people and their families.

Izaskun, 5th

Telephone (01225) 428126

Number 1 was the first house to be built in the Royal Crescent. It’s a picture of fashionable life in 18th century Bath. Each room is an exquisite example of Georgian interior design with authentic furniture, paintings, carpets, and down below stairs is a splendid Georgian Kitchen.

Ainoa, 5th

divendres, 14 d’octubre del 2011


Els alumnes de Cicle Mitjà i Cicle Superior de l'escola Divina Pastora de Vinallop reciten el poema sobre la tardor Down, down.

dimarts, 4 d’octubre del 2011


Autumn is my favourite time of the year! I love pumpkins, apples and the colorful fall leaves.

diumenge, 2 d’octubre del 2011

Cardiff Castle in Wales

2000 years of history
Booking line: 02920878100
Cardiff castle has been here, at the very heart of the city for over 2000 years.
The Cardiff castle time travellers are from different times in the Castle’s history.
Romans & Celts, Norman/ medieval , Victorians World war 2.

Sara , 6th

It’s opposite the main entrance to the castle . It used to be one of
the gates into the Roman fort.

The Battlements are up at he top of the walls around the castle .
They would be used to look out and shoot from.

Javier, 6th


The statues on the Clock Tower are taller than a person and are very colourful. There are seven of them and they represent the planets, Mercury, Luna, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Sol.


Is the big building with all the Towers.
Can you spot some frightening looking creatures near the roof of the house? They are called gargoyles.


There are blue and white squares decorating the ceiling.


This room was used for big parties and banquets (feasts).
The pictures on the walls are telling the story of something that happened nearly 900 years ago you can see the archers with their bows and arrows.

Iris, 6th

Is the old stone building that stands on top of a hill. It was made of wood but later it was built using stone.
There’s a well at the bottom of the keep.
Some of the keep are thin and long to hide from the enemy behind them.


It was used by the family for their meals when they didn’t have guests at the Castle.
There are lots of stories from the Bible in the decoration in this room.


They used to withdraw, that means that they used to come here to relax, often after a meal.

Diego, 6th

dissabte, 24 de setembre del 2011


Britain's most remarkable prehistoric monument.
The circumference of the stones is aligned with the rising and setting of the sun; but was it a sun temple, a healing sanctuary, a memorial to the dead, or something, altogether different?

The ancient stone circle of Stonehenge is unique;
The monument evolved between 3,000bc and 1,600bc.
Its exact purpose remains a mystery.

Telephone: 07739644155
Website www.scarpertours.com

Paula,11 Escola Divina Pastora (Vinallop)

dilluns, 20 de juny del 2011

Hi Yangrang

Last weekend I visited the zoo with my family. I watched animals.They were very brave.
The elephant family was very happy. Mum was beautiful.The father was strong and tall. The baby was small and young.I watched them drink. It was an elephant birthday. I sang < Happy Birthday to you>. The elephant baby was very happy.

Monkeys were very funny. They were playing football and climbing trees.

Birds were very beautiful. They could fly,but baby birds couldn’t fly. Baby birds were small and funny, and I saw fishes. They were beautiful too. My brother liked fishes, me too!
We liked arimals, they were very funny!!
See you soon, love ZHU Meixia.

dissabte, 18 de juny del 2011

This is a monster

Her name is Venture.
Her colour is green.
Her eyes are yellow.
Her favourite sport is cycling.
Her favourite food is pizza.
Her favourite music is “Waka_Waka”.
Her favourite number is 9.
Her favourite colour is blue.
Venture´s birthday is on 15th may.
Her favourite fruit is orange.
Her favourite animal is rabbit.

Sara , Roger i Ainhoa, 10

dimecres, 15 de juny del 2011

I saw my mum and dad

Last weekend I visited a mountain.
I saw my mum and Dad.
I saw an animal in the mountains. I wanted to play a football match with my dad.
There was a restaurant in the mountains. I went to the restaurant.

Marius, 11

dilluns, 13 de juny del 2011

Festa fi de curs Ampa

Avui hem celebrat a l'escola la festa de fi de curs organitzada per l'Ampa. Ha estat un dia molt emotiu i divertit per a tots, però sobretot pels alumnes de 6è que deixen l'escola. L'Ampa ha tingut el detall de preparar una orla per cadascú d'ells de manera que puguin guardar un record dels seus mestres i companys.

Ha estat un dia on no ha faltat de res: jocs, castells inflables, un pallasso, regals per tots els nens i nenes, a més a més d'un dinar boníssim.
Gràcies Ampa, un treball excel.lent.

diumenge, 12 de juny del 2011

Last weekend...

Last weekend I saw a football
match. It was funny. I went to the
match with my friend. We had a good time.
After that, we went to the zoo
and we saw lots of animals.

Aida Prado Sanchez

divendres, 10 de juny del 2011

Postcard to Tere

Yesterday we visited the Everest. We visited a small zoo.
Then,we visited my grandad and granny's house,their names are German and Teresa.
They live in a big house.
We watched a football match.
Tomorrow we are going to climb a mountain and I’m going to visit a lake.

Love, Cesar Espinosa xxx

dilluns, 6 de juny del 2011

On holiday I saw Shrek

On holiday I saw Shrek.
He was an horrible monster. He had green eyes, a big nose and dirty tooth.
He lived in a big forest.
He liked eating frogs and other insects, swimming in the mud or sleeping in bed.

Elies, 11

diumenge, 5 de juny del 2011

Manchester City Stadium

Last weekend I visited England and I saw a football match in the Manchester City Stadium. I saw Manchester City-Manchester United.

I liked the stadium a lot and I went when the match was finished. I talked whit the Manchester City players and they signed me in a paper. After, I wrote a postcard to my sister.
The following day I visited a wood and I helped an animal because it had an injury and I covered its leg with a plaster. I became very famous!
I watched different bird species in the wood.
I like England a lot, it was fantastic!

dimecres, 1 de juny del 2011

Last weekend....

Last weekend I visited France.
In France there was a man who had a dog.
The following day I went to Paris. I talked to my mum to tell her that I had seen a football match on television. My mum wrote a postcard back to me.
In Paris I saw an animal in a lake, in the water, and I helped it to go out.
I liked animals a lot.

Maria, 11

dilluns, 30 de maig del 2011

My friend's house

Last weekend I visited my friend´s house. We watched a football match and an animal was running through the field! Officers helped the animal. The animal was a deer. He had brown beautiful hair.
After that, I went to my house. I talked to my mum by telephone and I explained to her my trip to Martin´s house.


dimarts, 24 de maig del 2011

Postcard to Montse

Dear Montse,
How are you? I was in New York Yesterday.I visited Manhattan.
Manhattan is a very beautiful city. I didn’t expend the night in this hotel because I didn’t have enough money.
Anyway, the trip has been beautiful.

See you soon. Love Maria.


divendres, 20 de maig del 2011


I went to Loch Ness on holiday and I saw a very big monster. He was ugly and fat but he was very nice.
The monster’s name was Nessie. Nessie lived in a very big lake and ate fish. Nessie had three little sons and a wife.
Back from vacation I wrote a book.

Àlex, 11

I went to Loch Ness on holiday and I saw Nessie.
She was very beautiful and she had big green eyes.
She became my best friend.
The next day a met her when she went.
I miss Nessie, the most famous Loch Ness monster.

Maria Rubio Mulero 6è