dissabte, 30 d’octubre del 2010

Festa de Tardor

Ahir la nit es va celebrar al poble de Campredó la festa conjunta de Castanyada i Halloween. Al bloc Lo Sifo hi trobarem els detalls.
Els alumnes de l'escola van tenir un protagonisme especial ja que d'entre d'altres activitats es va celebrar un concurs de guarniment de carabasses. Aquest any l'Ampa va regalar una carabassa per cada nen i així cadascú d'ells va poder decorar-la a la seva manera, creatives, originals i fantasioses, com ells són. Gràcies Ampa. El guanyador del concurs va ser l'alumne de segon Che Jake, amb una carabassa molt original. Felicitats Che!!!
Va estar una festa molt agradable on pares, mestres i nens vam poder retrobar-nos i passar una bona nit.

dimecres, 27 d’octubre del 2010

The same as leaves in the autumn

When you are sad and you've fallen , the same as leaves in the autumm, a friend is not only for laughing but also for crying.
javier abalos ,10

dilluns, 25 d’octubre del 2010

Sunday: Autumn is here!

Monday ,Tuesday,Wednesday

I'm Playing with my friends


falling leaves, brown , yellow and red

"The autumm is here"

Sara,10 escola Port -rodó

The leaves are falling in the street,

painted leaves in the city

yellow,brown and green colours

Windy and cold

leaves stand some distance apart on the ground

alonso,10 escola Port-rodó

diumenge, 17 d’octubre del 2010

Summer has gone away

Autumn trees
Autumn trees,
Six leaves
August birds,
River, bushes on the rock.
Ten flowers and five rivers.
roger-10, Escola de Campredó

Summer has gone away.
Autumm is here.
Put on your coat and hat.
The leaves of the trees are falling down.
Autumm is here.
The cool is here.

Winter is coming.

Diego-10, Escola de Campredó

dimarts, 12 d’octubre del 2010

The first rains came to make all wet

Gold leaves,
the wind blow and
run by the forest.
Run like me, friend.
The tree, is sleeping.
The first rains
come to make all wet.
aida prado sanchez, 6th
Escola campredò

Trees give us oxygen.
And the laves are falling.
Clouds come back
and also the rain.

Jordi Aragones Lozano, 6th
Escola campredò

dimecres, 6 d’octubre del 2010

Autumn is my favourite season

The Autumn is here.
The leaves yellow and brown are falling in the ground.
The trees stay without leaves
and the animals stay in their houses.
The Autumn is my favourite season
because I like very much leaves
and trees.
Thanks a lot to give us
the Autumn.

Oriol Machí Aragonés


Es Port-Rodó

dissabte, 2 d’octubre del 2010

I love the reds and golds of autumn

Autumn has arrived,
birds are going.

Fallen leaves
has already reach the world.

Prepare jackets and coats,
cold and autumn have arrived.

6th level
Escola de Campredó

Trees give us oxygen to breathe.
The trees are marvelous.
Trees clean our air,a present so rare.

Yellow, brown and green leaves are falling.
What a beautiful gift to receive.
Hooray for trees, they deserve our care.

I like trees very much.

Thanks to trees to give us oxygen!

6th level
Escolà de Campredó