The most popular city is Cali. His tower is very famous. In Cali the river Cauca is longer than river Pance. The people are amusing and enjoy playing. The Ermita church is smaller than Saint Francisco. Cali is a beautiful city and is hot during all the year.
Alejandro Castillo,12 years old
C.E.I.P. Port-Rodo
Ens agrada que ens expliques coses del teu pais.
ResponEliminayour are learning fast.
ResponEliminathat's the best you've ever done
ResponEliminavery good Alejandro
ResponEliminaAlejandro un altre dia podries explicar-nos una altra cosa del teu pais i nosaltres tensenyarem el nostre t'agradarà.
ResponEliminamolt bé o mes ben dit good job. Alejandro!!!
ResponEliminaYou're learning fast! And is thisis good for you!
I would like you to explain things to me
ResponEliminawe all like your country