dimarts, 23 de febrer del 2010


I`m from Colombia. My province is Cauca Valley. It`s bigger than Huila but, it`s smaller than Meta.
The most popular city is Cali. His tower is very famous. In Cali the river Cauca is longer than river Pance. The people are amusing and enjoy playing. The Ermita church is smaller than Saint Francisco. Cali is a beautiful city and is hot during all the year.

Alejandro Castillo,12 years old
C.E.I.P. Port-Rodo

dissabte, 20 de febrer del 2010

Dressing up

I si alguna vegada ens equivoquem, no passa res, entretant anem aprenent.

Dani, Itziar, Paula i Santi.
Cicle Mitjà, Ceip Divina Pastora.

dilluns, 8 de febrer del 2010

My friend

This is my friend,Dani.

He's got dark straight hair.

He's got dark eyes and dark skin.

He's wearing a blue shirt and brown trousers.

He plays football and he plays with friends, too.

Paula Sabater - 9
Ceip divina Pastora

dissabte, 6 de febrer del 2010

Michael and Rose

On 28th January 5th and 6th level went to the I.E.S Joaquín Bau to see the English play "Michael and Rose".The play consisted in a simple love letter.
The actors and actresses performed the play with gestures.
They danced and sang.
The actors and actresses danced Thriller and wore different costumes.
In the end they said the theatre is life, theatre is life, THEATRE IS LIfE!

Everybody in the theatre wanted to act in some part of the play.
There was a perfect performance and it was very funny.

Naomi Mestre Curto
Esther Serra Visan

Eleven years old