diumenge, 13 de desembre del 2009

Sightseeing in London

London is the capital city of the UK. It's smaller than New York, but it's bigger than many European cities.

There are lots of famous sights to see , for example , the London Eye , the Tower of London , Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.

The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace with Prince Philip and her dogs.Tourists can visit the palace in the summer.

Oxford Street and Regent Street are famous shopping streets. Regent Street is shorter than Oxford Street , but they both have lots of great shops.

London is famous for lots of other things too - red telephone boxes and postboxes, and , of course, the Tube and the red double-decker buses. The Tube is faster than the bus , but you can see more places from the bus. You can also go on boat trips on the River Thames. They're good fun. And don't forget to try some fish and chips after a day of sightseeing.


1 Who lives in Buckingham Palace?
2 When can tourists visit Buckingham Palace?
3 What colour are the telephone boxes and postboxes?
4What can you do on the river Thames?

Aleix, 6th
Ceip-port -rodo

16 comentaris:

  1. Mare Aleix que llarg no se si creuremeu que ho has fet tu jaja que era broma poma.
    Very good.

  2. hola Laia, evidentment que no ho ha fet cap alumne, sobretot perquè és molt formal! És un exercici de reading comprehension i Aleix ens ha fet el favor d'ocupar part del seu temps entrant l'apunt, buscant la foto...ja que anem tots una mica a tope,de passada també practiquem writing i els comparatius! A vore si algú s'anima a contestar.
    Vindràs a la festa del dilluns?
    Una abraçada

  3. Si Tere vindre. Que llest és Aleix ia m'astranyava a mi.
    Una abraçada a tu.

  4. Question 1 : The Queen,Prince Philip and her dogs.

  5. Annabel I'm very happy with your work this term :)

  6. The telephone boxes are red.Veri good Aleix,
