dilluns, 17 de novembre del 2008

When I was young

In the English class we are working the descriptions in the present and in the past.

Laura Mascarell6th
C.E.I.P Lligallos
Hello, I am Josep. I am eleven.

When I was a little boy I liked milk and fruit. I was fat. I wore jeans and a white jacket. I didn't wear a hat. I lived in Deltebre. I had blonde short hair. I couldn't jump.

Josep Valls 6th

This is me. I'am Laura Negre . I am eleven years old.

When I was a little girl I liked chocolate , fruit and milkshakes. I was thin and I wasn't fat. I wore brown leather trousers and brown leather jacket . I lived in Lligallo. I had black straight hair. I couldn't do a handstand.
Laura Negre 6th

Hello I'm Joan. I am eleven.
When I was young I was thin. I had short hair. I wore jeans and a blue dressing gown. I didn't wear shoes and black hat. I lived in Lligallo. I had blonde straight hair. I could cry. I couldn't play football.
When I was a little boy I liked watching the television and I liked sleeping.
Joan Llosa 6th

Hello, I am Laura. I am eleven.
When I was a little girl I liked playing with my brothers. I was little. I wasn´t thin. I didn´t wear anything. I lived in Lligallo. I had blonde curly hair. I couldn´t jump. I didn´t like fruit. I didn´t live in Tortosa.

Laura Mascarell 6th

3 comentaris:

  1. Nice descriptions, a good way of learning English.

  2. It is a very interesting blog. I like it very much. I like reading and writing in English.
