dijous, 4 de desembre del 2008


Hi. I am Núria, and I am 11 years old.

When I was a baby I was fat and I wasn't thin.
I wear a colorful dress and white shoes.
I could cry and I couldn't run or jump...
I liked Teletubbies and I liked television.
I ate fruit and yoghurt.
When I was a baby my favourite colours were red and pink.
Nuria Aixendri
6th Campredó

I am Alex Moreno Mulet. I am 11 years old. I live in a house.
When I was a baby, I was thin and little. I wasn't fat, tall or big.
I had short hair, brown eyes, short arms and legs and little mouth.
I wore a dummy, white and red pyjamas and trainers. I dind't wear trousers, a shirt, a cap, a jacket or a hat.
I could cry, sleep and play. I couldn't walk, talk, jump or run.
I liked playing whith my brother. I dind't like being alone.

Alex Moreno
6th Campredó

I am Laia I am 11 years old.
When I was a baby I was fat, I wasn't thin.
I had short and brown hair.
I wore a pink skirt and pink shirt. I didn't wear red trousers.
I could cry and I couldn't walk.
I liked music and I didn't like bulls.
Laia Sanz
6th Campredó

dilluns, 24 de novembre del 2008

Animal descriptions


The bat, lives in a cave. It doesn't live in the jungle or in the ocean.

It can fly, walk and climb. It can't swim.

It's got short black tail, two little black legs, very little feet and very big black wings. It hasn't got eight legs and fins.

It has got one head, big black ears, long teeth, very big nose and small eyes but it is blind and it has got a long black haired body.

Josep Roca

5th Level Lligallos


It's big. It's got straight and brown hair.

It likes bananas. It doesn't like insects.

It lives in the jungle. It doesn't live in the ocean.

It can run and jump. It can't fly or swim.

Ferran Bertomeu

5th Level


The goat is a mammal. It doesn't eat fish.

It eats vegetables. It doesn't eat meat.

It lives in the mountains. It doesn't live in the ocean.

It has got four legs. It hasn't got eight legs.

It has got a little tail. It hasn't got a big tail.

It has got a horn. It hasn't got a wing.

It has got a hoof. It hasn't got a feet.

The goat has got some hair. It hasn't got feathers.

The goat jump a lot. It doesn't fly.

The male goat has got a beard. The female goat hasn't got a beard.
Efren Bo

dilluns, 17 de novembre del 2008

When I was young

In the English class we are working the descriptions in the present and in the past.

Laura Mascarell6th
C.E.I.P Lligallos
Hello, I am Josep. I am eleven.

When I was a little boy I liked milk and fruit. I was fat. I wore jeans and a white jacket. I didn't wear a hat. I lived in Deltebre. I had blonde short hair. I couldn't jump.

Josep Valls 6th

This is me. I'am Laura Negre . I am eleven years old.

When I was a little girl I liked chocolate , fruit and milkshakes. I was thin and I wasn't fat. I wore brown leather trousers and brown leather jacket . I lived in Lligallo. I had black straight hair. I couldn't do a handstand.
Laura Negre 6th

Hello I'm Joan. I am eleven.
When I was young I was thin. I had short hair. I wore jeans and a blue dressing gown. I didn't wear shoes and black hat. I lived in Lligallo. I had blonde straight hair. I could cry. I couldn't play football.
When I was a little boy I liked watching the television and I liked sleeping.
Joan Llosa 6th

Hello, I am Laura. I am eleven.
When I was a little girl I liked playing with my brothers. I was little. I wasn´t thin. I didn´t wear anything. I lived in Lligallo. I had blonde curly hair. I couldn´t jump. I didn´t like fruit. I didn´t live in Tortosa.

Laura Mascarell 6th

diumenge, 9 de novembre del 2008

Halloween in Campredó

Halloween is on 31st October. We celebrate it in the school and in Campredó too.We run through the streets and we wear masks. It is dark. We are very happy. My friends are happy too. In church square there is a party. People eat chestnuts.
The catalan name is “ La castanyada ”. Children play “ Trick or Treat”.
We dress up and ask for sweets . We dress up as skeletons, mummies, ghosts, witches and assassins. People scream. People also hold pumpkin lanterns to light up the streets.

In the school we prepare " The Salem Halloween Cookies" and we celebrate both festivities altogether.
Halloween is celebrated in some English speaking countries and in Catalonia too.
By Albert March and Marc Machí
6th Level Campredó

dimarts, 4 de novembre del 2008

Trick or Treat Poem

Skeletons and ghosts dance and scream,
Witches eat ice-cream.

Black cats and pointed hats.

Boys and girls dress up as monsters,
collect black spiders.

Let's have fun on Halloween night!

Annabel Estibalez
Óscar Guillen
Lorena Corral
5th CEIP Vinallop

Some photos here

dimecres, 29 d’octubre del 2008

A Ghost Story

Some photos here
Lligallo Halloween 08-09

Els xiquets i xiquetes de 3r hem representat aquesta història de Halloween amb els"puppets" i amb l'ajuda de la mestra Tere. El que hem après a dir, representar i a entendre, és quan una persona es sent "happy"or "sad" i també quan alguna cosa és "scary".

Hem entés que igual com el "Ghost" i la " Witch", que són personatges "diferents", entre natros, encara que també hi ha moltes diferències, tots tenim els mateixos sentiments.

Júlia Terron

Javier Tomás

Josep Casanova

Aleix Senosiain

3rd Ceip Ligallos

Scene 1

Boo: Hello.I'm Booooo

Boy: Aaaaaah! Goodbye!

Scene 2

Boo: What's your name?

Girl: Oh no! A ghost! Aaaaaah!

Scene 3:

Boo: I want a friend.

Scene 4:

Welchy: I want a friend too.

Boo: Huh?

Scene 5

Welchy: Hello. I'm Welch

Boo: Hello. I'm Booooo.

Scene 6:

Boo: Come on, let's go to the Halloween party.

Welchy: Good idea.

diumenge, 1 de juny del 2008

Jack and The Beanstalk

Representació d'un obra de teatre per part dels alumnes de 6è:

Jack and The Beanstalk

Once upon a time there was a poor boy who lived with his mother in an old house. As they were hungry they decided to sell their only cow.

While Jack was walking to the market he met an old man who gave him some magic beans in exchange for his cow. But, when he arrived at home his mother was so angry that she threw the beans through the window.

Next morning a beatufil beanstalk had grown and Jack decided to climb up it.

At the top of that high beanstalk there was an horrible giant who lived in a castle. Jack took some money, the magic harp and the magic hen from the giant and gave it all to his poor mother.

After that they lived happily ever after.

Ceip Lligallos

Ceip Port-Rodó

dilluns, 12 de maig del 2008

English Theatre: "Seven only seven"

Pupils of the upper level went to see an English performance that was called "Seven only seven". It was performed in IES J.Bau by pupils of the 2nd course of batxillerat of Drama Art.

The performance set out some habitual situations in the life of teenagers:

Their need to create, their awakening to life, the insecurity, the results of their big imagination together with an analysis of the life that surrounded them.

When the performance was finished, our pupils were able to take part in differents situations that had been set out.

diumenge, 4 de maig del 2008

Real-life situations in the English classroom

While acting in real-life situations, pupils learn that the English language is not a static language but it's something really useful.

By means of communicative situations like "shopping" English language learning becomes significant to the children.

dimecres, 9 d’abril del 2008

diumenge, 16 de març del 2008

PANCAKE DAY: Webquest for sixth level of primary


As you know, in two weeks it will be Carnival, a typical celebration in our country where all the people dress up and celebrate it in the streets. But... in other countries there are different ways to celebrate this festivity.Are you prepared to know what this customs are regarding this celebration and how to make a "pancake"?

In this case, continue reading!!! I hope you enjoy it.


1.- First of all you will read a short story. This story is going to explain to you some aspects of pancake day. After that, you will have to ask a partner some questions.

2.- After that you will have to read the Pancake recipe, watch a video related with how to make it and at the end you will have to explain this video in your own words.

3.- The third activity is a grid where you must find some words related to pancake ingredients and the utensils needed to make them.

4.- After that we will prepare the pancakes and then, you could have a pancake competition with your classmates.

5.- At the end you will see some poems related to Pancake Day. You can choose one of them and try to learn it.


Exercise 1

Read the following story in pairs and once you have read it, ask your partner the questions below.If you have any vocabulary problem you can go to this page and search in the translator: wordreference.com


Pancake Day is on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. It is in February or at the beginning of March, six weeks before Easter. In Britain, people eat Pancakes on Pancake Day. In some towns there are pancake races. People run in the streets holding frying pans with pancakes. Each runner tosses the pancake into the air and catches it in the pan. In other countries, people celebrate Carnival at the same time of the year. There are parades through the streets with bands, fireworks and people wear masks and fancy dress.


  1. What do people celebrate in other countries on the same day?

  2. Which day do English people celebrate Pancake Day?

  3. What do people eat on Pancake day?

  4. What do people hold while they are running?

  5. What do people wear at Carnival Time?

Exercise 2

You have to do this exercice alone.Read this Pancake recipe, if there are any words that you don't recognize, you can go to this page again:

100 g flour
one egg

a bowl
a wooden spoon
a pan
an apron


1.Mix salt and flour in a bowl.
2.Add an egg and some milk and mix it with a wooden spoon.
3.Add the rest of the milk.
4.Heat some oil in a pan.
5.Add some of the mixture and cook on both sides.
6.You can eat pancakes with sugar and lemon

Now, click on this link in order to see how a boy makes a pancake, you should pay attention to it because afterwards you will have to explain it. You can watch it as many times as you want.

Have you watched it? Very good!

Now you have to write down what you have seen on the video (Try to write short sentences, maximum six or seven sentences).Write it in a word document and after that send it to me at this direction:


Exercise 3

Now here's a new activity for you. It's a grid where you have to find some words related to the utensils and ingredients used to make a pancake, you should find them all. I will give you a worksheet like this

Exercise 4

This is the last exercise. It is a practical exercise so we will do it together in class.Here we will make a pancake and after that we will hold a pancake race.We will do the activity in the English class and in the Gym class.

Very Important!!! Remember to bring an apron!!

So be prepared! This week I will tell you the exactly day we're going to do this activity.


Mix a pancake,stir a pancake, pop it in the pan.
Fry the pancake, toss the pancake. Catch it if you can.
"Christina Rossetti"

Someone tossed a pancake. A buttery, buttery pancake.
Someone tossed a pancake. And flipped it up so high.
That now I see that pancake. The buttery, buttery pancake.
Now I see that pancake. Stuck against the sky.


EXERCISE 1: I will pay attention to your pronunciation and to the comprehension of the text. ( 30%)
EXERCISE 2: I will evaluate your compositions so be careful with the spelling, with the construction of the sentences and with the verb tenses that you already know. (30%)
EXERCISE 3: I will not assess this exercise. Its aim is to remember some key words but I will take into account whether you do it or not. (10%)
EXERCISE 4: I will evaluate your attitude towards the activity and with your partners. (30%)

At the end of these activities you should know what Pancake Day is and how to make a Pancake. If you want more information about the festivity you can go to this page:

Created by Marta Altés and Tere Orobitg

If you have any problem, please contact me