divendres, 26 de novembre del 2010

A brief description of shakira

She is a very famous singer.
She’s got very interesting songs.
Her hair is blonde and curly
Her eyes are green .
She's got pointed nose.
Her mouth is big.,with big teeth
Her ears are little.
Her face is beautiful and round.
Her body is very beautiful and she’s got long legs. Her arms are short. Her hands are smooth.
She’s wearing jeans and a T-shirt.
She’s wearing earrings.
She is very beautiful.

Sara i Ainhoa 10 anys

dilluns, 22 de novembre del 2010

Our vegetable garden is growing

We've already eaten lettuces, tomatos and turnips in the school canteen from our school vegetable garden.

A few days ago 2nd level grew some carrots too.

Look at it now, it's great!

diumenge, 21 de novembre del 2010

He built a small house,

called a cocoon, around himself. He stayed inside for more than two weeks. Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushed his way out and...

he was a beautiful butterfly!
1st Level

diumenge, 14 de novembre del 2010

Leaves fall, step on them very hard

Here cames the autumn.

Put on your coat and leave home.

Leaves fall.

Step on them very hard

and you'll listen

crack , crack , crack .

iris balague chorto
9 anys
col·legi Campredo

diumenge, 7 de novembre del 2010

Have a small taste

Eat what the caterpillar ate during the week.
Prepare a yummy fruit salad.
One apple
Two pears
Three plums
Four strawerries
Five oranges
A bunch of Mint Leaves
Some sugar

"The Very Hungry Caterpillar"
Infants 4

Four Little Twinkles Jumping On The Bed

Samuel, Ion, Selene and Martï, Infants 5

dimarts, 2 de novembre del 2010


On October the 29th we celebrated Halloween in the morning in de school and in the night in the village square.

On Thursday in the morning we made Salem Halloween cookies in the school, they were very sweet.
Children of sixth level dressed up horrific fancy dresses. We decorated the horrific corridor with: vampires, skulls, witches, green hands, mummies, bats...
At the same time, in the village square there was a pumpkin contest in the night.
Then, we went to collect sweets in group.
This Halloween, has been the best because we thoroughly enjoyed it and we have collected lots of sweets.

Maria and Alba.
campredó 6th